Meet Barbara Conner

Living in Lafayette Louisiana, Barbara Conner takes pride in being a wife, mother, daughter, business woman and friend. When she's not sitting behind her desk personally hand making each piece of jewelry she sells, you may find her racing around a track straddling a motorcycle or pass her on the street while she's out for a walk with her Great Dane. It's these everyday inner workings of Barbara's life that help fuel her imagination.
Her passion for life and the adventures it has to offer, her love of friends and family and her deep spiritual faith are the inspirations for every design in her jewelry collection. She's taken the world's oldest, most precious jewel, the pearl, and given it a modern day make over. By combining the beautiful pearl with stylish leather, she's created an updated look to a classic design. With each piece in her collection being hand made, no two are ever exactly the same. The addition of the sterling silver charms and vintage spiritual medals used to complete her designs add the final touch that make each piece as unique as the person wearing it.